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Martin Wright

Writer, Editor, Adviser and Speaker on Environmental Solutions and Sustainable Futures.

Specialist Subjects
Climate Change
Environmental Solutions
Sustainable Futures
Martin Wright

Writer, Editor, Adviser and Speaker on Environmental Solutions and Sustainable Futures.


Martin Wright has 30 years’ experience as a writer, advisor, editor and speaker on environmental solutions and sustainable futures. 

Martin has spoken at and chaired events globally for organisations such as the RSA, the UK Government, the UN and The Guardian. the UK Government, the UN, the RSA, Forum for the Future and many others. He has been MC of the annual World Sustainable Development Summit since 2016.

His TED talk on ‘The New Environmentalism’ topped the bill at the 2014 TEDx event in London. Feedback for his keynote address at the Global Good Awards (2018) on ‘A Case for Optimism’ was described as “immensely inspiring – and also very funny”.
He is an expert at communicating sustainability crisply, clearly and with complete candour, and at bringing complex issues down to earth – and doing so with a ready wit and humour. 

As an award-winning journalist and photographer, Martin's work has been featured in a wide range of newspapers, magazines and websites, including The Times, The Guardian, New Scientist and Times and India. He has interviewed many business and political leaders, including Paul Polman (CEO, Unilever), Terry Leahy (CEO, Tesco) and former UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
He has broadcast on major radio and TV networks, including the BBC, Sky, Al Jazeera and independent television. He has also produced and directed a number of short films.

Martin was Editor in Chief of Green Futures (now The Futures Centre) and Editor at Tomorrow Magazine. He is Chair of Positive News, the new media initiative dedicated to uncovering and reporting on progress and possibility, rather than doom and gloom. Awards that he has recieved include Science and Environment Journalist of the Year, the Global Green Future Leadership Award, and Wildlife Photographer of the Year (Highly Commended).

Martin has written for and advised a wide range of companies and organisations on sustainable futures. Organisations he has worked with at senior management or board level include WWF, Unilever. BT, Greenpeace, Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer, 

Martin was Director of Forum for the Future, the global sustainability non-profit. He was based in Mumbai in 2013-15, launching Forum in India. Martin sits on a number of advisory boards and acts as mentor to new initiatives. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), Senior Affiliate of Forum for the Future and a Futerra Associate.

As both a journalist and Visiting Judge / Assessor for the Ashden Awards, Martin has travelled extensively in Asia and Africa, researching and reporting at first hand on frontline environment and development issues. In particular, he has looked at the potential of sustainable solutions to lift people out of poverty and simultaneously conserve the environment in some of the most challenging circumstances.

Furthermore, he has carried out on-the-ground assessments of over 60 sustainable energy initiatives in more than 20 developing countries, including South Asia, the Pacific East, China, India and South America. These have included everything from solar home system and improved cook stove projects to major solar and run-of-the-river hydro programmes, and integrated IT/mobile-based energy management systems.

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