+353 (0) 87 786 2608
Menu C. Psychol., Ps.S.I., MBPsS - London Speaker Bureau Ireland
Louize Carroll
C. Psychol., Ps.S.I., MBPsS

Psychologist | Co-founder | Speaker | Musician

Specialist Subjects
Mental Health
Psychological Safety
Psychological Flexibility
The Art of Coping
How To Stay Grounded, When The Ground Is Moving
The Art of Navigating Relationships
The Art of Creativity
Louize Carroll
C. Psychol., Ps.S.I., MBPsS

Psychologist | Co-founder | Speaker | Musician


Louize Carroll is one of the most celebrated, in-demand, dynamic and well-known consultant psychologists in Ireland, bringing potent and dynamic change to individuals, leaders and by consequence, to entire teams and organisations. A licensed social and business psychologist and therapist, Louize has over 15 years of training and experience working as both a consultant and a mental health professional in multiple industries from the corporate and private industries, to the creative industries, to the not-for-profit sector.


Louize has a unique talent for communicating the most complex and sensitive of topics in a way that is simple and inspiring, meticulously coherent, sensitive and considerate, yet appropriately challenging and grounding - always with individual development, insight, transformation and growth in mind.


To address the suicide crisis and the lack of effective mental health care in Ireland, Louize spent several years working as a purveyor for mental health systems change through her work in Jigsaw, leveraging government, national and international stakeholders to establish a brand new system of care for young people and young adults. Louize is also an expert in advising on psychological aspects of criminal investigations as well as child protection cases which concern addiction and abuse.


Louize provides consultancy, support and therapeutic intervention for a range of clients globally, working with a broad range of issues including leadership organisational culture, professional and personal relationship difficulties, anxiety, trauma, and work problems. She also provides mental health consultancy for the film and tv industry, advising on the careful and appropriate portrayal of mental health on screen.



Therapy Online


The Leading Therapy Platform in Ireland


Louize CREATED, DEVELOPED AND DELIVERED THE CONCEPT OF PRISM, an online therapy platform with a unique and proprietary algorithm that matches you to the best therapist for you, through a meta-analysis of what treatments and therapies work best with different client problems, what therapist and therapist style, approach and specialty might be best suited to a specific client and how the client’s articulated needs captured by the intake assessment can best be matched by the PRISM therapists.


In addition, Louize built prismtherapyonline.com to remove the burden of searching for an appropriately qualified and experiencing therapist in the midst of what is usually an already tough time.


PRISM is an acronym that stands for Psychological Remedies Igniting Stronger Minds and the company was built with the highest standards of therapy, care, quality and smart technology in mind. It was built as a means to provide people with an accessible way to connect to highly qualified professionals - in a way that works for them.


All PRISM therapists are qualified above a specific high standard – all psychologists are all chartered with the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) and have 9+ years of training and experience. All psychotherapists are accredited with their relevant member organisations and have 6+ years training and experience. This is the highest standard in online therapy in Ireland and far surpasses the 3 year standard of BETTER HELP, the primary online therapy platform in the US.


Therapists are also selected because of their experience and because of how they speak about and relate to the importance of emotional intelligence. Because after all - if we wouldn't sit across from them, we don't expect anyone else to.


PRISM Therapy Online will be expanding to the US in 2023, beginning in California and rolling out to remaining States between 2024-2025. Currently inviting interested and relevant investors to support this US national roll-out



The Blink Effect -  Leadership Programme + Ally to the Elite Mind


Louize is Co-Founder of The Blink Effect, a leadership programme created, developed and produced with her psychological and leadership expertise in partnership with mindfulness expert and international transformation expert Niall Breslin, neuroscientist, doctor and founder of Actualise, Michael Keane and accomplished business consultant, Paula McLoughlin who spent many years as one of the most successful partners in Accenture and EY, and on a UK government Think Tank.


The Blink Effect combines all of their differing expertise in a unique way for the purposes of training leaders as well as aspiring leaders in how to invest in their own relationship with themselves in order to more efficiently, more productively and more compassionately influence others.


More specifically, The Blink Effect programme trains leaders to literally rewire old unhelpful thought and conflictual behavioural patterns that may be impacting their ability to lead and manage others, into new patterns of behaviour that are intentionally and consciously in service to their values and their organisational and personal goals. Our programme is rooted in science and in what we individually and collectively know works and it’s evidence based in our respective areas of expertise.


Louize and the team have spent three crafting, developing, piloting and refining the programme. The finished programme is a result of their extensive research and testing on combining science with what is digestible and effective for clients and team, and testimonials from the likes of EY, Lee Hecht Harrison and KPMG corroborate this.



Corporate & Panel Speaker


Keynote Titles:

The Art of Coping

How to Stay Grounded when the Ground Is Moving

The Art of Navigating Relationships

The Art of Creativity

Befriend the Body, Master the Mind


Louize’s quote and speaking brief:


"We all have a story. We bring this story into work and we bring it home at the end of the day. It colours how we see the world and it affects how we cope, with the world, with ourselves and with each other. Sometimes, it's a useful story, sometimes it trips us up. Sometimes it allows us to thrive, and sometimes it keeps us stuck firmly behind the bars of our own mind. The trick of course, is to understand the ways in which we keep ourselves stuck, so that we may set ourselves free".


Louize speaks about how the ways in which we cope in a rapidly changing landscape, and the ways in which we see the world, affects the choices we make, influences the relationships we make or break and has a fundamental impact on our wellbeing. With a refreshing directness, she speaks about how we can better take care of our hearts and minds so that we can cope better (with almost anything) in what is an illuminating, honest and stimulating talk about our emotional health and wellbeing.


Bringing psychology to a public platform, Louize writes a column in The Business Post answering a variety of relationship, corporate and wellbeing issues. She is also the resident psychologist on Niall Breslin’s award winning podcast, Where Is My Mind, featuring on the monthly episode of The Therapy Room, on Spotify and now also hosted by Lemonada Media. In addition, Louize is a regular psychology expert media contributor for The Irish Times, The Irish Independent, RTE Radio 1 and Today FM’s Mind Yourself Now with Dermot & Dave. As well to that, Louize is the bass player in award winning band, The Blizzards.




"Louize has a strikingly unusual combination of gifts seen through her ability to hold attention and command respect from a large group of leaders whilst also managing to challenge their preconceived ideas, beliefs and behaviours in favour of more aware, intentional and emotionally intelligent responses. It was a pleasure to have her in with our team"

Maples Financial Services



"Louize is someone we just love to have on the Radio 1 show, not just because of her obvious intellect, but also because of her adept ability to communicate complex and difficult ideas that affect all of us in simple but enlightening ways, and in such a way that all of our listeners can understand. She does it with the most sincere compassion, gentleness and yet with a beautiful strength and pragmatism that has listeners hanging on her every word." Saying of her therapy platform "PRISM is one of the best ideas I've seen in mental health service provision”

Ryan Tubridy - Irish National TV and Radio Presenter



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For any further queries please call +353 (0) 87 786 2608

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