+353 (0) 87 786 2608
Menu CEO - London Speaker Bureau Ireland
Kate Ancketill

CEO and founder of GDR Creative Intelligence

Specialist Subjects
New Technologies, Consumer Trends, Retail, Hospitality, Futurism, Disruption, Customer Experience, Consumer Psychology, Marketing & Brands, Startups, Internet Trends, Mobile, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Media
Kate Ancketill

CEO and founder of GDR Creative Intelligence


Kate Ancketill is a futurist with a retail, consumer, brand, hospitality and technology specialisation, making complex societal shifts and emerging technologies relatable for any audience.
As the CEO and founder of GDR Creative Intelligence, Ancketill is the innovation partner to around 30 of the world’s largest consumer brands.
Every presentation she gives contains research and analysis that has been stress-tested for relevance and impact with multi-national corporations, often at board level.
Ancketill delivers compelling big picture narratives explaining how retail, brands and hospitality are changing as a result of economic and social change and the technology revolution.
She advises on the future of customer experience, how marketing is evolving, and how the best of the best are using tech to adapt to new customer behaviours.
She takes a cross-sector, global view of innovation, which includes anywhere there's interaction between brand and consumer, either online or offline.

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For any further queries please call +353 (0) 87 786 2608

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